27 SURFACE WATER - WD/2015/0090/MAO
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FOUL WATER MANAGEMENT - The other side (south) of Lime Park there is a sewage treatment plant that serves Chapel Row and Church Road residents but has too small a capacity to be considered for the extra 70 houses in Herstmonceux. This picture shows a JCB excavating near the treatment plant that you can see in the background in this photograph.
27. No development shall take place until full details of a surface water drainage scheme,
based on the sustainable drainage principles of the concept plan associated with the
outline planning
permission, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The surface water drainage scheme should be confirmed as
deliverable by an assessment of the site’s potential for disposing of surface water by
means of a sustainable drainage system. The submitted details shall, among standard
Peter Rawlinson - Gleeson Strategic Land Ben Rainbow - Arboricultural & Biodiversity Officer Steve Tuhey - Managing Director, Thakeham Client Richard White, Director of Land and Planning at Latimer & Clarion Housing Group
LATIMER DEVELOPMENTS - Previously: William Sutton Developments Limited
Christopher John Hatfield Ruth Margaret Cooke David Simon Fordham Austen Barry Reid Rupert Owen Sebag-Montefiore Mark Christopher Rogers David Anthony Lewis Michelle Reynolds
Southern Water - Nick Claxton Team Manager – Flood Risk Management & Revai Kinsella, Principal Drainage Officer
WATER CONTAMINATION - If houses are built on the hill that supplies the last surviving well in Herstmonceux, all of those who presently enjoy a sustainable water supply are likely to be poisoned by pesticides from a number of the gardens of the proposed housing - at the moment that looks like being 28 units positioned directly above and in the groundwater soakage line of fire. In addition, where the hard standings of the proposed 70 houses are to be gully drained to a point lower than the twin wells, rainwater soakage that supplies the wells will be diverted away potentially starving the wells of water, save that from the garden areas that are impossible to gully. The amusing cartoon above portrays the situation that perhaps the developers: Clarion, Latimer and Thakeham were not aware of, when they bought into a situation that they should have been able to rely on.
Unfortunately, the council concerned and the advisers to the original applicants appear to have been less diligent than they might have been in the rush to profit from a windfall situation. The question that is probably on your lips is: "Was that an oversight, or was it deliberate"?
Another problem that is rearing it's head with many developments is that corporations are building what they want to build without constructing the affordable unit quotient or making improvement to drainage and access roads that some council's have been kind enough to overlook at the grant stage with a promise from developers to overcome, when in fact those developers simply vanish without trace, leaving nobody to pick up the tab. In other words development is never completed to a stage where flooding and other contamination measures are safe.
At the other end of the proposed housing plan, the runoff via private ponds will lead to flooding, according to the Pevensey & Cuckmere Water Level Management Board. That is likely to see sewage surface from drains, as happens at the moment in and around Windmill Hill.
This application is not only contrary to Wealden's Local Plan, but is considered by many to be downright dangerous without the appropriate visibility splay. The A271 is a narrow country road that is already overloaded - with many traffic jams in the village high street causing motorists serious delays on occasion. The increase in traffic from a dense residential development at this location is nothing short of madness.
ACCIDENT CHART - This map is likely to change with more markers in the Herstmonceux area on the east side of the village as the inadequate visibility splay gets to work catching out unwary motorists and residents who have relied on Graham Kean to do the right thing in ensuring their long term safety - rather than giving the developers virtually free license to develop a site in spite of the obvious limitations.
The houses proposed are not eco friendly, have no charging points for electric vehicles and no energy generation or heat capture devices. They are more of the same energy gobbling houses that fat-cat builders love renting at inflated prices to new families to make them financial slaves, because that is all they (appear) to understand. We await comment on this and other matters from the Clarion Housing Group Limited, Thakekam Homes Limited and Latimer Developments Limited all partners to this proposal. It is yet to be confirmed just who is doing what and when and we look forward to receiving further information.
The case officer is Claire Turner. The permission was signed off by Kelvin Williams, now due to retire in 2019 with Christopher Bending taking over as Head of Planning and Environmental services in 2018.
https://thakeham-client.com/ http://www.clarionhg.com/news-research/2018/march/latimer-to-deliver-70-new-homes-in-herstmonceux/ https://www.gov.uk/ http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/